Greenbone 2024 Review: A Very Good Year with Growth Everywhere
Also in its 16th year, the Osnabrück-based expert and market leader in Open Source Vulnerability Management has kept growing, both in employees, customers, partners and last not least on this blog.
After doubling our workforce over the last two years, we at Greenbone are looking proudly at 143 employees, most of them work remotely. This growth brought about many new contributions, and of course many company events, unique development talks and a people lead concept with cross feedback as a major step forward in developing leadership culture. Inspired by happiness surveys, Greenbone will keep on growing and is a great employer. Have you applied yet?
Greenbone Threat Report
So, it’s no wonder that also this blog benefited from the growth and introduced a successful new format: Every month, we are now presenting with the Threat Report a monthly deep dive into the news and atrocities of vulnerability management, mitigation and new threats on the radar of our customers (and anybody interested in security). We started this series in March 2024 and have published 10 thorough blog reports so far. Find all of them here, and the last update here.
Endangered: Ivanti, Fortinet, Exchange, Confluence…
Apart from that, we could report on several crucial vulnerabilities. From Juniper and Ivanti to Fortinet, from problems in Microsoft Exchange and Sharepoint to Atlassians knowledge management Confluence: our experts provided helpful insights for nearly all customers.
Of course our blog reported on CrowdStrike and how it only took 62 minutes for a security provider to become a massive threat. We wrote about the never-ending dangers from Chinese hackers, DOS attacks, automated mass attacks, severe SSH key problems and featured in-depth analysis and papers, for example on the costs of cyber attacks.
Growing challenges: cyber threats and new legislation
In five blog posts we explained threat levels and specific vulnerability risks in branches affected hard by common vulnerabilities: For example, SMEs are investing more in security, Helsinki schools have been attacked and of course public administration networks are under special threat, as is practically anything in health care – says the BSI (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik), the German Federal Office for Information Security. Especially the latter two branches, not only among our customers, will also have benefited from the many posts we published on regulations – like CSAF (Common Security Advisory Framework) and the many updates on the slowly ongoing and interrupted (in Germany) progress of NIS2 (Network and Information Security).
All-year Topic NIS2
The NIS Directive in its second edition was a topic that has been and will be on the watchlist of Greenbone and our customers. Since the European Union decided on the second „Directive on Security of Network and Information Systems“ NIS, many member states have applied regulations that clarify how companies have to implement it. Only in Germany that took a little longer and – due to the fall of the government late in the year – has not been finished. Nevertheless, all the information and plans are available, there’s even a test from the BSI that allows you to check whether your networks are affected and need immediate action.
Greenbone Goes Green: ISO 14001
We wrote about sustainability and the great success Greenbone made with achieving the ISO 14001 certificate. Our CMO Elmar Geese shared his thoughts on the future of clouds and the breaking of their hype cycle. He also took part in a panel on artificial intelligence, and our products now integrate additional BSI basic and CIS guidelines to protect your office software.
New Products: Major Release 24.10, Greenbone Basic, Feed-Updates
But 2024 brought also many updates and news on our products: Greenbone’s vulnerability management got several improvements and updates, with a new video to explain vulnerability management in 12 minutes. In July, our new scan engine Notus received Support for Amazon’s Red-Hat-Linux variant dominating Amazon Web Services. Later in 2024 Greenbone both announced a new major version of its Enterprise Appliance (24.10) and a completely new product targeted at small and medium size businesses called “Greenbone Basic”. Ready to try?
But maybe you want to read about how Greenbone leads the competition of vulnerability scanners in our benchmark or find out what your Key Performance Indicators for vulnerability management products are.
Congresses and Events: Our Highlights of the Year
If you want to meet us, you’ll find a growing amount of opportunities … worldwide, also showed in our blog: we also reported almost live from the other side of the globe, where Greenbone had a presence at the Singapore International Cyber Week. This conference was not only one of the major IT security events in Asia, but also one in a long list of business fairs that Greenbone attended: Public IT Security (PITS) in Berlin, the it-sa in Nuremberg or the Potsdam Conference for National Security are just a few to name.
Thank You and Happy Holidays!
So, obviously, also our 16th year was a good one, “a very good year” and thus we would like to take this opportunity to thank all customers, partners and the community again: Without your help none of this would be possible.
Thank you, happy holidays and a happy new year!